Makassar City is The Capital of South Sulawesi Province Indonesia
INDONESIAN CITIES - Makassarcityis the capital ofSouthSulawesiprovince. Makassaris the largest cityineastern Indonesiaandthe second largestmetropolitan areasoutside Java, afterthe city of Medan. The city wasalsoonce the capital ofthe Stateof East IndonesiaandSulawesi. Makassaris locatedon the southwestern coastof the islandof SulawesiandMakassarStrait inthe west, the DistrictPangkajeneIslandsin thenorth, eastMarosandGowain thesouth.
From theaspectof developmentandinfrastructure, the city of Makassarclassified asone ofthe largestcitiesinIndonesiaandwithan area of199.26km²and apopulationof nearly1.4millioninhabitants, the city was fifthin terms of populationafterJakarta, Surabaya, BandungandMedan. Demographically, the city isclassified astype ofmulti-ethnicormulti-culturewitha variety ofethnic groupsthatsettledin it, includinga significantamountisthe tribeMakassar, Bugis, Toraja, Mandar, Buton, Java, andChinese.
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