As befits a Mountainous the fertile territory, Kota Batu and surrounding areas also have Natural Panorama beautiful and cool tube, of course this will attract other people to visit and enjoy the Kota Batu as a mountainous region has its own charm. For that in the early 19th century Kota Batu developed into a tourist destination, especially the Dutch people, so that the Dutch people and even then build places Resorts (Villa) even living in the Stone.
Site and Dutch heritage buildings or during the Dutch East Indies government too is still a trace even be an asset and Tourism visits to this day. The Dutch soon as admiration for the beauty and elegance Kota Batu, so that the Dutch align Stone region with a European country, namely Switzerland and give the title as De Klein Switzerland or the Swiss small in Java.
There is also the latest in Kota Batu attractions such as paragliding air travel. Every Sunday, in the square Batu Travel Market held Sunday selling specialties Stone and various crafts. Java Park is one of the most popular tourist attractions in East Java, and the newest of the attractions in the city of Boulder is the Wildlife Museum. In this city there are many villas and a five-star hotel.
Kota Batu also known as agropolitan, earning it the nickname City Agropolitan. As well as the surrounding area of Malang and Kota Batu many produce apples, vegetables, and garlic. Stone is also known as a city of artists. There are many painting studios and art galleries in the city. The latest Kota Batu Night Spectacular, an amusement park with a few rides like a teenager at the World Fantasy Ancol Jakarta. Not less interesting than BNS / Batu Night Spectacular, there is also a student and family that Tourism Wildlife Museum. Museum of the International Standard and Greek-style is a museum where a replica of the World's Animal yet extinct and extinct here. We can also see a replica of ancient animal bones. In Wildlife Museum also been a place of extraction Video Clip song from The Virgin with the song Soulmate. Various means of outdoor activities available, the most complete is BEJI outbound located in Beji village.
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